prepared to be disillusioned: ghostwriters & cookbooks.

For those of you who love cookbooks as much a I (often I will have an old favourite on my nightstand), check out this interesting read from NY Times. Ghostwriting is not a new phenomenon, but it never really occurred to me that chefs often don’t pen their own work. Of course, once the article was brought to my attention, it seemed like a glaringly obvious facts. In any case, it’s an interesting read! I’d love to hear your thoughts.

  1. It’s just an extension of chef-branded cookware. It’s not like Wolfgang Puck has a degree in metallurgy, after all.

    • lindsay said:

      This is true! I think it remains a little less obvious (of a branding mechanism, that is) though I had a good chat with my roommate (who’s doing a grad degree in English) about ghostwriting in general. Not something that immediately pops to mind as a vocational choice but is definitely food for thought (pun intended).

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