
Tag Archives: bush camp

Yet another season of treeplanting!

Due to a few curveballs, we’ve landed ourselves in Quebec this year.
It’s currently day-off in RouyanNoranda after an arduous 1st shift; during work, we’re camping out of Rapide-Sept. “Camping” being a very loose term, since we have cabins with running water and electricity (!).

My initial food-fears have lifted in the land of poutine, where vegetarianism is deemed a disease. They weren’t groundless: 2 seasons ago when we planted in Quebec, our vegetarian friends ate sides for dinner: soggy tinned peas and potatoes. The game of what’s-for-dinner turned into wondering what’s-not-for-dinner, since there were usually 3 different meat mains on any given night.

It’s definitely also because we’d been spoiled on the Kap contract for the last 2 spring plants – our head cook had graduated from chef school prior to my first season. Everything was made from scratch (not only is it tastier and healthier, it’s easier on the wallet when you’re on the company budget), down to salad dressings and soup.

Although eggs to order are frequently breakfast foods, it hasn’t be the only option (which was certainly the case 2 summers ago). And though not every dinner was accompanied by a side of veggies, it’s been nowhere near mushy peas 5 consecutive nights. Our cook makes a mean meatloaf (which I found out in French is actually “bread of meat”), and a fairly good caesar dressing. Quebec soul food!

I am, however, looking forward to a grocery run today (to cure my lack-of-greens-crankiness) – we’re spending our 2nd day off in camp. With stoves and fridges in the cabins, it’s going to be a feast tonight!

That’s right! I’m back in the city after two months of living and breathing in Northern Ontario, treeplanting for one of the largest reforestation companies in Canada. Blood, sweat and tears, anyone? It was pretty much the most demanding thing I’ve ever done, period. Both mental and physical stress add up to a little (or a lot!) of ‘bush craziness’.

You may be wondering: why the heck is she mentioning these adventures on a food blog, for crying out loud?

The answer is simple: I wanted to ramble about the food I’ve consumed during the months of May and June. It’s not every day that you’re eating at a bush camp. And it’s not everyone who has the opportunity to do so for two months. I’ll even throw in some details regarding food consumed on days-off, when we partied it up in Northern Ontario small towns (namely Timmins, Kapuskasing, and Hearst). So here we go:

First, regarding the bush. Many vets on my contract corroborated the fact that our camp was pretty much set up to be the Cadillac of bush camps. Complete with a mess tent (where breakfast + dinner are consumed, where things get schloppy during in-camp parties, where general hanging-out while drinking hot chocolate/beer and reading/playing cards/playing scrabble/etc occurs), dry tent (for the somewhat drying of clothing/boots after rain days – though in reality, things never really dry completely), shower trailer (that nobody actually used – yes, treeplanters are dirty dirty people), cook shack (propane fueled for all cooking needs), and shitters (our portable outhouses that divulge quite the odor after 3 days).

The day begins at 6am, when we’re rudely roused by the honkings of our supervisor’s truck (or sometimes, a chainsaw). This usually translates to me trying to ignore the blasts until my own alarm sounds at 6:15, rolling around in my sleeping bag until 6:23, getting up and getting dressed, and rolling out of my tent by 6:30-6:40. Time for 1) breakfast and 2) packing a lunch in the mess tent, all to be had/done in the 15 minutes before our buses leave at 7am sharp, whisking us away to the block for a long day of planting. Prior to actually living the bush life, I was skeptical about the copious amounts of food that would be consumed. Specifically breakfast-related, I didn’t believe I’d be doing the daily breakfast meats (there was always either bacon or sausage), but your body definitely can do with the extra fat and protein. And ensuring that breakfast included carbs, fats, and protein helped diminish the effects of hunger’s first wave at about 10am. Along with the bacon/sausage, there was always a hot breakfast, too – from french toast, to pancakes, eggs, and BLTs, breakfast burritos, to english muffin sandwiches. Perogies and grilled cheese sandwiches, endearingly named ‘grillies’, were both favourites of mine, and were ultra portable for consumption during the bus ride. The trick for the former is stealing almost empty cartons of sour cream, filling them with perogies, and bringing a fork for the bus. Also present daily were one or two types of fruit – canned peaches and pears, fresh melons (cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon), sometimes even kiwi, bananas and pears. There was always a homemade breakfast bread (chocolate chip, cranberry, poppyseed, blueberry, to name a few), and of course the various selections of cereals. And caffeine presented itself for all in the form of teas and coffee; I quickly learned that my thermos was worth its weight in gold.

I also learned various tricks for packing lunch, including the lovely halfers of PB+J, or hummus + cucumber. Because we had no set lunch break, and eating all of your lunch at once would cause much discomfort when planting, I was partial to eating a little bit of food (a half sandwich or fruit or vegetables or something sugary) every time I was at the cache bagging up. (“Cache” being where the bins of seedlings are stored, and “bagging up” being when we fill our planting bags with more trees once we’ve “bagged out” and have planted the last “bag in”. Food and large water jugs (mine being 12L) are also stored at the cache, along with your day-bag containing things like extra clothes, rain gear, sunscreen, and bug dope.) This translated to about a 1/2 dozen ‘cache breaks’, and splitting my lunch into that many pieces. Half sandwiches are key: take one slice of bread, throw on the toppings, fold in half, et voila! Save on cold days, I usually stayed away from lunch meats (selections of ham, tuna, roast beef, salami, and sometimes tuna), since rancid and greying sandwiches weren’t really my cup of tea. My lunchbox was an extremely large tupperware container, fantastic for minimzing the amount of squished sandwiches, and being spacious. On an average day, it held 3 apples or oranges (or peaches, the one time those existed! needlesss to say, the large box did not last more than a day for a camp of 75 people), a sandwich bag full of veggie sticks (carrots, celery), my 4-6 halfers, and 1-2 lunch treats, if I’m in the mess tent early enough to snag some. Lunch treats ranged from various cookies and cookie-like biscuit-y things (chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, butter cookies…) to rice krispy/cereal squares, to granola bars. Some planters choose to pack leftovers for lunch, if any exists from yesterday’s dinner; meatloaf made for great sandwich material.

As a camp, we definitely went through a lot of bread, (especially whole wheat) and a tonne of food in general. Personally, I was eating twice as much as usual (literally) and that still didn’t add up to the calories expended while treeplanting! When we were in town for our days-off, the cooks were busy doing food runs so that we would be well fed during the next shift. Orders from Sysco, and runs to the grocery store filled pretty much the entire back of a bus, and then some (a good chunk of seats are taken out of the former school purpose buses to allow for storage of gear and such).

 But it was the dinners that made bush camp food on this contract so impressive. From various vets, I understand that food varies from camp to camp, and is highly dependant on the cooks. Though planters must be fed, and cooks are a must, reforestation companies do not place the highest priority on hiring cooks – for them, it’s all about about production and numbers, and amount of trees in the ground. Our camp certainly lucked out, though! Our head cook recently graduated from Stratford Chef School, which meant everything was pretty tasty and almost all homemade. It certainly helped with staying on budget, too, compared with camps where cooks would purchase many more prepared/processed goods. It’s amazing what the head cook and her assistant (who is starting his first year at Stratford this fall), managed to do with their budget. Which was a mere 10$/day/person.

The two months did, however, make me crave cooking – I’m oh-so looking forward to our fantastically large kitchen at the new apartment. During our 40+ days, there were almost no dinner repeats, save crowd pleasers like meatloaf (which I personally didn’t understand – exactly how is plain ground beef exciting, again?). I can now say that I’ve had scalloped potatoes (yes, another secret confession), and good potato salad. Homemade salad dressings, plenty of soup (fantastic when coming home from rain/snow and/or generally cold days), and plenty of dessert (pies, chocolate and vanilla cakes, butter tarts, make-your-own-sundaes…). Dinners ranged from ribs to burgers (and other goodies off the grill) to mac+cheese (which made me miss the boy’s rendition), pork chops, ham, lasagna, burritos, curried chicken, and on our last night, a ‘christmas dinner’ of turkey (!) complete with stuffing and cranberry sauce. And we were also once surprised with a cheese platter, crackers, prosciutto (!) and veggies + dip. For my birthday, they made vanilla cupcakes with strawberry icing – I was immensely pleased.

Would I do it again, this treeplanting thing? Most probably. Stay tuned for a ‘part II’ posting, with regards to days off in Northern Ontario, and food in Timmins, Hearst, and Kapuskasing.